Flute Blog

What do to if your bansuri cracks
MY BANSURI CRACKED, OH NO! Don't worry, chances are you will be able to save it. In this guide you will learn that it is easy to fix and doesn't...
What do to if your bansuri cracks
MY BANSURI CRACKED, OH NO! Don't worry, chances are you will be able to save it. In this guide you will learn that it is easy to fix and doesn't...

A Dictionary - Indian Classical Music
To help you understand Indian Classical Music terminology. Here’s a list of fundamental terms to help you understand and learn more about Indian Classical Music, it will be useful while...
A Dictionary - Indian Classical Music
To help you understand Indian Classical Music terminology. Here’s a list of fundamental terms to help you understand and learn more about Indian Classical Music, it will be useful while...

The Art of Maintenance
The Art of Maintenance First of all: To keep your bansuri in good shape and ensure longevity, regular maintenance is essential. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you care...
The Art of Maintenance
The Art of Maintenance First of all: To keep your bansuri in good shape and ensure longevity, regular maintenance is essential. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you care...

11 Bansuri Players You Should Know
11 Bansuri Players You Should Know The bansuri, the indian bamboo flute, has been part of Indian culture for centuries, but it’s actually a relatively recent addition to Indian classical...
11 Bansuri Players You Should Know
11 Bansuri Players You Should Know The bansuri, the indian bamboo flute, has been part of Indian culture for centuries, but it’s actually a relatively recent addition to Indian classical...

Choosing the Right Bansuri: A Guide
This guide helps you choose the perfect bansuri for your needs and goals.
Choosing the Right Bansuri: A Guide
This guide helps you choose the perfect bansuri for your needs and goals.